Sunday, April 29, 2007

They say...

"Life's a bitch, and then you die." But I've recently achieved a slightly different perspective; Life's a bitch, and then you hit 40. (A fate not nearly so merciful as dying). I've already had back problems for a while, so that wasn't new, but now there's my burning feet, my tender shoulders, and my arthritic hands; all causing some debilitation. My eyes are getting worse and have developed "floaters:" little dots that I see as floating around in there, sometimes thinking it's a bug or a person (or a car, if I'm driving). I think I've lost a quarter of my vocabulary, and don't let's forget the heartburn, which seemed to start around the same time that my weight began shifting to my stomach (about which let me just say that even battling a weight problem all my life I have never been made so physically uncomfortable by extra flab), I mean, I thought my warrany had expired at 30..., but I had no idea what was coming.
And how about this mid-life crisis?? Society has always characterized it by strange behavior, they never said anything about the emotional trauma that comes with it. Apparently we're supposed to accept all our unrealized dreams, our failures, etc, so we can begin some new and wonderful life. Number one: when my emotions are fighting my reality I have no idea how to stop them and "accept" anything. Number two: how can anyone possibly have a "wonderful life," new or otherwise, without getting any of their childhood dreams?? I don't get it.

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